A basic primer on chemical wood stripping treatments
This bit of wood should be easy to strip with any form of chemical wood stripping treatment. Image by AdiDsgn (via Shutterstock).
There are two main types of chemical wood stripping treatments that are commonly used by door and furniture stripping companies like ours. These are solvent paint remover and caustic paint removers.
Our door stripping themed Christmas song based on The Twelve Days of Christmas
Premium Door Stripping wishes all customers old and new a Merry Christmas. Image by Ba777 (via Shutterstock).
With Christmas looming, the last thing our fellows would like to think of for a week or two is door stripping. On the other hand, it is fair to say that our industry could do with some Christmas cheer. So on behalf of Santa Goran and his team, we would like to share this adaptation of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Complete with lyrics that best suit our industry.