In Video: Bed Frame Restoration Clips

A collection of bed frame restoration clips

Bed Frame Restoration image by Benoit Daoust (via Shutterstock).
Whether from the end of the 16th century or the last ten years, we at Premium Doors and Furniture will lovingly restore your wooden bed frame. Image by Benoit Daoust (via Shutterstock).

We at Premium Doors and Furniture among our furniture stripping projects cover bedrooms. Not only bedroom furniture, but also antique bed frames. Reflecting this, we have before your very eyes, a collection of bed frame restoration clips.

So, pull up a freshly restored chair, have a mug of tea by your side, and watch our collection of video clips.

1. Wood Restoration, applying stains and varnish

In this five minute clip, we saw how a bed frame is restored to ‘as new’ condition. The scuffing is no longer visible with the mahogany wood at it best.

2. How to Fix a Squeaky Bed

Bed frame restoration includes the less visible yet important side of your bed. That of the bed frames. In almost 12 minutes, we see how the chance of a good night’s sleep is restored.

3. Bed Beam Support System – Deluxe

This neatly complements the previous clip, in the sense we see metal beams introduced to the wooden frame.

Premium Doors and Furniture, 15 June 2017.

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