Paint Stripping Video Clips

A selection of paint stripping video clips

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Like Watching Paint Stripping: sit back, relax, and enjoy our six clips of paint stripping demonstrations. Image by Chris Hill (via Shutterstock).

For our selection of video clips, we hope the entertainment value is nothing like watching paint dry.

1. Removing and Stripping Lead Paint

The first of our video clips comes courtesy of This Old House. In the last forty years, This Old House has established itself as a DIY-based TV series on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Episodes are usually shown on the PBS channel in America. Reruns of its 1980s episodes had been shown in the UK on the (now defunct) TLC (The Learning Channel) satellite channel.

The American home improvement series began as a 13-part series on the 20 February 1979. After a break in 1980, This Old House’s second season began the following year. It hasn’t been off the screens since 1981.

2. Soda Blast Cleaning

APT is a South Wales-based company which offers specialised industrial hygiene and maintenance products. The second one of our video clips demonstrates how soda blast cleaning can be used to strip paint off a wooden door.

3. Stripping Paint off Old Dresser

For the third one of our video clips, GirlsNotHelpless offers us friendly step-by-step advice on how to strip paint off an old dresser. The women in the clip use Citristrip stripping gel, which is applied onto the paintwork with a broad brush. After fifteen minutes, the paint starts to bubble and flake. Two hours on, stripping the paint with an ordinary wallpaper stripper is a cinch.

4. How to Strip Your Garden Furniture

Well, it had to be said: this clip does exactly what it says on the tin. Courtesy of Ronseal UK, the fourth one of our video clips shows you how to strip the present coating from your garden table. Thirty minutes of stripping is condensed into a svelte 65-second clip, leaving you ready to put a fresh coat of Ronseal on your garden table.

5. Wet Blasting

Who needs paint stripper? In Hydroblast’s clip, it shows how water (with a grit abrasive solution) can be used to strip coating materials from metal. The Northallerton-based company also uses high-pressure water jetting for demolition work and pipe cleaning.

6. How to Strip Paint from a Door with Steam

For the sixth and final one of our selection of video clips, Dave Bowers’ film demonstrates how steam can be used for paint stripping. Given that using a handheld steamer or high-pressure nozzle could be counterproductive, he uses a homemade steamer – the size of his door.

Two hours later (as Mr. Bowers says in the clip), the paint is ready for stripping. Cue the wallpaper stripping knife and an effective yet arduous way of stripping paint from a wooden panel door.

Premium Door Stripping, 02 September 2016.

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