Why Stripping Is Better Than Sanding

Why Stripping Is Better Than SandingIt can seem that sanding is a cleaner, quicker method of paint removal but there are pros and cons to both methods, and when they are all weighed against each other it can clearly be seen that stripping is actually the more efficient method. Let us take a look at both processes:

Issues with Sanding

Sanding is an invasive method of paint removal, and it can scratch and damage the wood, especially thin veneers. Quite apart from that, it is a very hands-on, lengthy matter, and it can get very tiring as you need to go over the surface many times in order to remove every trace of paint and varnish.

It can be very slightly easier with very old, flaking paint and varnish, but even then there tend to be tough little patches that need intensive work that can leave your surface looking uneven.

Even using power tools to sand can be a lengthy process, and you will find sanding dust everywhere in the room for days afterward.

Stripping Benefits

The best thing about using a paint stripper is the fact that it relies on chemical action and time to work. You must leave the stripper on the paint or varnish for at least as long as the instruction allow.

Apply the stripper and leave it to do its work as you get on with other tasks – such as taking the doors off their hinges ready to be done next if door stripping is on the agenda, or making sure that you have enough of the new paint or varnish to go on as soon as the surface is ready for its new coating. Once you come back to see how it is getting on, you can simply wipe off the by-now soft and loosened paint.

Lead Warning

Speaking of door stripping – or any other wooden item that might have very old paint on it – there is one last reason to choose stripping over sanding. If the paint is older than forty or fifty years, it may well contain lead.

This can become problematic if sanded, as tiny flecks of lead-infused paint could be breathed in, causing illness. With a stripper, the lead remains bound into the paint, and is harmlessly wiped up and disposed of.

If you are still not sure about how to proceed: save yourself the time and stress, and give us a call. We offer a great range of expert services and we can set you right in no time.

Paint Stripping Tools Of The Trade

paint stripping tools

paint stripping tools

Paint stripping is an activity plenty of people dread on undertaking due to the tedious work it involves. The process requires more than time and effort to complete. It requires the right tools. Without the appropriate paint stripping tools for the trade, the job becomes difficult to do. It is important to realise that paint stripping involves more than one tool and the miracle paint stripper manufacturers sell may not help at all. For the best results, we would urge you to consider professional paint stripping services which we specialise in here at Premium Doors.

Here are some paint stripping tools that our experts would recommend using;

  1. Putty knife

A putty knife is a useful tool when it comes to scraping off paint from furniture. The knife is lighter than other devices and does an adequate job old finish on furniture that has been softened. When using this tool ensure the blade does not cause any scars to the wood. When using the blade make sure you coat the putty knife lightly with cooking spray that is nonstick to help it move quite quickly.

Ensure you also remove any burrs on the edges of the putty knife with sandpaper.

  1. Paint shaver

The paint shaver is the fastest and most effective method to use when removing paint. The paint shaver does not leave patches of paint since it works through all the paint ensuring you have a wall, chair, or any item free of paint. Despite its astonishing performance, the paint shaver comes with great responsibilities.

To use this paint removal tool you need to practice using it a lot on scrap pieces. The practice helps you adjust the tool accordingly to get the appropriate depth of cut before you begin working with the device. On a scale of 1 to 10, the paint shaver’s effectiveness ranges at 9. Majority of paint shavers come with vacuums that suck up the stripped paint that you can dispose of later.

  1. Proscraper

If you are looking for paint removal tool that is cost effective and works great, then the Proscraper is that tool. The Proscraper is a hardened scraper made out of plastic, which has a hollow body that connects to your vacuum. The scraper comes with a replaceable blade. The benefit of working with this Proscraper lies in its ability to collect the paint scraps.

It is important to realise that the performance of the tool you choose to remove paint with largely depends on the condition and the type of paint you remove. Also, you would need to ensure protective clothing is worn when removing paint. Why not consider professional paint stripping instead to avoid hassle and stress? Call Premium Doors on 07481 171 243 or email premiumdoorstripping@gmail.com.

Why Paint Stripping Is A Job For the Professionals


Paint strippers are made with chemicals that help to loosen paint to allow easy removal from surfaces. Most of the chemicals used in these removers are harmful when not used properly and could irritate the skin, cause drowsiness, lead to loss of coordination, cause reproductive problems, damage the liver or brain, or cause headaches. That’s why doing the work comes with a high risk as you are exposed to dangerous chemicals.

Hazards related to paint stripping

Respiratory system damage

  • Solvents are able to irritate sensitive membranes in your nose and throat, and the effect of such irritation could come in varying degrees. Stripping solvents that are concentrated are supposed to be handled by professionals who understand how to use them and follow the right protection measures. Some chemicals used in stripping solvents can damage lung tissue.

Skin diseases

  • Another problem you might experience while using stripping solvents is skin diseases. The chemicals basically dissolve the natural protection of the skin and expose it to many diseases. The skin should not come in direct contact with the solvents because this can damage the protective oil layers that shield you from contacting skin diseases. Professionals understand all the risks associated with paint stripping and will carry protective gear and be careful through the entire process.

Fire hazards

  • Fire is another problem you will have to watch out when using paint stripping solvents. Many of the solvents can be classified under extremely flammable liquids and will catch fire easily when exposed to heat. Even a spark could cause fire during the cold weather, so while using the solvents, you need to use professional procedures that ensure you don’t expose yourself to the danger of fire. There are solvents that are less flammable that you can use, but many people cannot distinguish between the different categories.

Damage to the nervous system

  • Long exposure to solvents could lead to intoxication or narcosis, and this could result from the depression of your central nervous system. Chronic exposure to the solvents might cause permanent brain damage, which could lead to loss of memory, seizures, lower intellectual abilities, and behavioural changes.

If you have to use these paint removal solvents, make sure to seek the assistance of a professional who understands the risks. It would make more sense to hire the professional to take care of everything as this assures you nothing will go wrong and you are protected against exposure to harmful chemicals. To find out how Premium Door Stripping can help you with your paint stripping project, please call 07481 171 243 or email premiumdoorstripping@gmail.com for a quick response.

Benefits of Professional Paint Stripping Services

Professional Home Paint Stripping

Introduction to professional paint stripping.

What are the benefits of professional paint stripping services rather than stripping the paint yourself?

There are different methods and substances which work best for different surfaces, and a professional paint stripper will know these, and will use the best technique or material for the job. Some doors are special, and need special care when stripping and repainting. Hardwood doors may be done using a caustic stripper, while solvent stripper may be used on other types of doors. A professional paint stripper will be able to advise and ensure that you get the right solution for your doors.

Premium Doors tend to follow a process of dipping the doors in a tank of caustic and pressure washing them, optionally neutralising them, drying and then sanding them, before offering an oiling or waxing service and any repairs to complete the process. This can be done in a day, with collection and delivery, making restoring your doors rapid and stress-free.


Safety is an important consideration. Using chemicals for paint stripping can be hazardous to you if you do the job yourself, and chemicals can stain carpets, floors, furniture or anything surrounding the paint stripping area, but done professionally, there isn’t that risk. With lead-based paint, there is extra safety risk. A professional such as those at Premium Door Stripping will do the job quickly and cleanly, and take away any worries about safety as they are experts on the subject.

If the job is done for you by professional paint stripping services, it saves your time for other projects and eliminates mess. It can prevent stress, inconvenience and prolonged disruptions to your routine that blocked doorways, mess and chemicals can cause, and it means that the job is done fast, with minimal disruption to your other work.

The quality of the finished product.

Having the paint stripped professionally leaves a smooth clean finish, with none of those horrible patches or chisel marks that a DIY job may produce, especially on surfaces with layers of paint. This means that the surface or door is ready to repaint, and once repainted or coated, will not show any reminders of the previous paint or coating, nor any paint stripper or chisel marks. It is ideal for high quality doors.

In summary.

The advantage of using professional paint stripping services for your doors is the expertise, planning, safety and speed in doing the work and a perfect finish, plus expert advice on after-care.

Paint Stripping Mishaps

Why You Should Leave Paint Stripping To Professionals…

paint stripping

You might be a person who loves change and innovation every single day. This is mostly seen in your desire to change paintings of doors, handles or anything painted, every now and then. It is therefore obvious that you have constantly been met with the task of removing paint. If this is you, here are some of the reasons why you should not remove paint on your own but call the experts to do it;

Health Issues

One method of removing paint is by use of chemicals. Many of these chemicals pose health hazards if not used with care. Some of the hazards include;

  • Skin Diseases
  • Respiratory Infections Due To Inhalation of Toxic Fumes
  • Damage to the Brain and Nervous System
  • Damage to Internal Body Parts

Therefore, keep in mind thaat such tasks should be left to the experts who know how to handle the chemicals properly.

Lack of Proper Equipment

Paint stripping is a serious task that requires proper attires and equipment when handling the material to be stripped. Here are some of the tools required and their specifications;

  • Eye Protection – Only googles approved by the necessary bodies should be worn.
  • Hand Protection-here you are only supposed to Neoprene latex gloves since they do not dissolve in most solvents used.

Getting the right tool can be quite difficult therefore it is advisable that you involve the services of experts who have the required and approved gears.

Fake Stripping Chemicals

There are numerous products on the market relating to paint removal. What you do not know is many of these products are fake. This then makes it difficult for you to chose the right stripping products. This is where professionals come in. Experts in this field have the experience and knowledge in choosing the right chemical.

Technicality Of Some Instructions

Since you have not indulged in the world of removing paints deep enough some instructions may be too technical for you to understand. Furthermore, some instructions require two or more people to work hand in hand for complete success. That is why you should call experts and let them handle the job.

What To Do?

As earlier explained, there are health hazards involved when using stripping chemicals. Sometimes people lack the necessary education on the chemicals and equipment to use and therefore fail to do the task. Therefore, it is evident that expert help is necessary. In simple terms, when you need paint removal services just get in touch with our team of experts near you.