PeelAway and the Poultice Method

PeelAway: what has it got that other paint strippers lack and why does the poultice method work?

If this blog of ours tops your reading list, you would have come across the stories on chemical based paint stripping. Or non-chemical methods like caustic paint stripping. We have also come across another form of paint stripping method, known as the poultice method.

If you’re familiar with alternative or complementary medicine, you will have come across poultices. They are usually placed on the affected area of one’s body part to cure pain. Placing a bag of frozen peas on your foot could be one example. With paint stripping, Barrettine Products’ PeelAway uses the poultice method.

With PeelAway, an application of the stripping paste is placed on the area you wish to strip off. According to the manufacturer’s website, it can strip off up to 32 layers of paint. So that it can work its magic, the paste is placed on your door or wall, which is covered by the PeelAway Blanket. This slows down the drying process, enabling you to peel it off, once it is ready.

The peeling process is undertaken with a spatula, so the task in hand has more in common with stripping wallpaper. Once that has been stripped away, you are ready to add a fresh coating. What’s more, you get no fumes going into the atmosphere or your chest using the poultice method.

Better still, PeelAway has been used for stripping lead paint. None of the lead particles are released into the atmosphere. In North Sydney, an office building’s paint stripping job was made easier, thanks to PeelAway 8. This version of Barrettine’s product was used to strip asbestos and, none of the asbestos particles went into the air.

Premium Doors and Furniture, 17 July 2017.

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